74V1 Sprayer Controller & Monitors

Variable Rate Control

The 74V1 Controller compensates for changes in speed, pump pressure or section shutdown to maintain your target rate.


The 74V1 Controller has the ability to handle multiple tanks and multiple rates at the same time.

Accuracy in the field

On screen prompts assists the operator with simple instructions when calibrating, displays warning messages, and provides advice on corrective action.


Accurate Application

The 74V1 Sprayer Controller & Monitors compensate for changes in speed, pump pressure, or section shutdown to maintain your farmers’ target rate. The smart controller helps manage multiple tanks with individual rates, whether it is up and down hills or through boggy conditions. The 74V1 also has seamless functionality for dual rate systems. When paired with in-built Jobs setup and simple “Tile and Tab” system, the 74V1 is the perfect spray rate controller for any farming operation.

Example 74V1 Sprayer Controller ExampleSetup

Farmers look for a reliable system to work through the harshest conditions and still deliver smooth, flexible transitions between lines. Increase and decrease rates immediately or use stop/start controls at headlands, or when refilling, with the master switch box and touchscreen.

Powerful functionality

  • Sprayer alarm 74v1 controller Farmscan SmartAG Systems


Key Features

Total control

Farmers control 1-10 sections of boom and low horticultural sprayers, including; usage of pressure relief valve (PRV); proportional flow control valve; precision flow sensor; any motorised section control valves

Maintain consistent pressure

The 74V1 Slow Hold feature automatically holds the control valve at a minimum operating pressure when slowing at headlands or around obstacles

Multi-step control

Achieve smoother transitions with rate/speed flexibility across different nozzle sizes for each spray line. The 74V1 Sprayer Controller selects first, second or both spraylines to maintain optimal working pressure

Optional dump

Divert pump delivery back to the tank whenever the master switch or section values are switched off with our optional dump valve. This is highly recommended if using a diaphragm pump

Second sprayline

The optional second sprayline is activated automatically when the first spray line reaches maximum pressure. The benefits of second sprayline have been proven for over 15 years – ask us how

Pressure control sensor

Optimise spray application for every field with 74V1 Sprayer Controller sensors to provide a pressure read-out and pressure-based control of the slow hold and second sprayline functions

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